Category: Uncategorized
Boonesboro POTA
Kathy, W4RDN and Barry, K4MNF will be hosting a POTA outing. Please see the message below. Everyone is invited! GARC Parks On The Air OutingJune 17thBoonesboro State Park11 AM until the battery runs down or ???Talk-in on 146.520 simplex or 145.430 rpt. If it rains, the outing will be cancelled Come and get on the…
Parks On The Air (POTA) Outing
17 June 2023 11AM to ???? Boonesboro State Park I’m waiting to hear back from the park personal on reserving a shelter. Open to anyone interested. Come and get on the air, fellowship, learn how to POTA, bring the family, there is a playground, putt putt golf, tour the fort etc. If you have a…
May 2023 Meeting
It was excellent to see everyone at the club meeting yesterday. We missed all of you that weren’t able to make it. Hamvention is a 2 weeks from the day of this writing. It looks like club attendance will be a large majority of our club. Most will be traveling to Xenia, Ohio on Saturday,…
April Meeting Recap
We had a good (and short) meeting this past Wednesday. We talked about Hamvention. Everyone attending the meeting showed and interest in attending Hamvention in Xenia, OH. The popular thought was to drive up on Saturday, May 20th, spend the day and return home the same day. Hamvention occurs once a year. This years dates…
Red Cross Building, Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society Club House 1450 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY 40511 Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6:00 pm EST
March Meeting Recap
Wow! How lucky are we? A great group of people got together and we got some great advice from a long time fellow and expert. Thanks to Dave, K4TO, who skimmed the intro course and gave some practical pointers on RF propagation and antenna arrangement. We learned about antenna performance at different elevations and compared…
Repeater Upgrade
It’s been a long time coming, the Mount Sterling repeater officially has E-Power enabled! This is a huge upgrade to our machine. Two deep-cycle 6 volt 225 amp hour batteries in series make the backup power supply needed to provide 12 volts of uninterrupted electricity. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS)! A Duracomm 35A power supply…
February 1 Meeting Recap
Thanks to all who attended the Gateway Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting! Jesse, N4JES gave an intro to digital modes including DStar, DMR, and Fusion. Hopefully we will have overcome some of the beginner’s learning obstacles that we all face in the complex world of digital operation. We had 17 people show up for 3…
Winter Field Day Recap 2023
Many thanks to John and Debby for opening their farm for anyone wishing to set up radio gear. Thanks to Shanna for taking some great pics. It was a beautiful day, a little breezy and just below 50 degrees F, the sun was plentiful and the skies were clear. The farm enjoys a great vantage…
Net List
Many thanks to Brian, KM4VEG, for taking the time to compile a sheet of nets in Kentucky. Making an up-to-date list is a lot of work, kudos to Brian in all that he does!