Many thanks to John and Debby for opening their farm for anyone wishing to set up radio gear. Thanks to Shanna for taking some great pics.
It was a beautiful day, a little breezy and just below 50 degrees F, the sun was plentiful and the skies were clear.
The farm enjoys a great vantage for radio operation and Kris, KO4ZNA, took the opportunity to set up his end fed coupled with an FT-891.
As soon as he powered on his radio, it only took a touch on the dial to start hearing activity.
Todd, KQ4DJI was out on the farm and it was a pleasure to make his acquaintance for the first time. We hope to see Todd at a GARC meeting soon!
For more details and stories from John, Debby, Kris, and Todd, please consider coming to our meeting on this Wednesday, February 1st at 6 pm.
Kris operated way into the dark and for a relatively new ham, he is really flexing his ham radio skills. Kris is a shining example of the enthusiasm ham radio deserves.
Thanks for reading. 73
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